Operating system project suite
May 2020 - August 2020

The 5-project suite completed in my CSCC69: Operating Systems class where I gained technical proficiency with implementing key operating system concepts including priority scheduling, user programs, virtual shared memory and index-based file systems.

Concepts Implemented

Project 0: Getting Started

  • Bootstrapping
  • The Boot Loader

Project 1: Threads

  • Alarm Clock
  • Priority Scheduling
  • BSD Schedular

Project 2: User Programs

  • Argument Passing
  • System Calls
    • halt, exit, exec, wait, create, remove, open, filesize, read, write, seek, tell, close

Project 3: Virtual Memory

  • Paging
  • Stack Growth
  • Memory Mapped Files

Project 4: File Systems

  • Indexed and Extensible Files
  • Subdirectories
  • Buffer Caching
  • System Calls
    • chdir, mkdir, readdir
C, GDB, Operating Systems